The Art Of Preservation

It is essential to preserve the Sacred Secretion in order to allow it to increase in energetic vibration, particularly during the 2.5 days of rest. Preservation is made by healing ourselves physically, psychologically and spiritually so that we may “prepare the way for the lord”.

From the word of Jesus, preservation is enhanced from following his LAW:

1) Do not get angry. Love your enemies.

2) Don’t commit adultery, even mentally.

3) Pray and meditate.

4) Fast and remain alkaline.

5) Store up treasures mentally.

6) Give to the needy (love thy neighbour).

7) Do not worry about tomorrow.

8) Do not judge or you too will be judged.

9) Do not be a hypocrite by telling others to do what you are not.

10) Ask and it will be given.

11) A good tree produces good fruit.

12) Enter through the narrow gate.

From research and personal experience, I have found the following to be the most effective ways of preservation, to date:

1) Practise the art of having a positive, growth mindset. (Learning the rules of the Law Of Attraction are particularly beneficial here.)

2) Practise being grateful and emitting love as these are the highest forms of positive vibration.

3) Pray and meditate to calm the mind and enhance oxygen intake (a key component of the DMT molecule).

4) Maintain an alkaline diet, eating Paleo if you can (the less effort your body has to put into digestion and de-toxifying, the more it can focus on healing and preservation).

5) Engage in feel good activities, including exercise, to increase purification levels.

6) Commit to acts of kindness to promote feel-good hormones and a vibrant aura.

7) Be present and live in the moment to raise your unique awareness and wider perception.

8) See the bigger picture in life so that righteous actions are increased.

9) Practise what you preach so that no awkward-feeling hormones are dropped into the blood stream.

10) Live with expectation, knowing that you are on the right path for you right now.

11) Eat organically to reduce toxin intake, such as pesticides and heavy metals.

12) Incorprate moments of deep breathing throughout the day, in nature if you can, to increase oxygen levels for thy synthesis of those all-important DMT molecules.

13) Reduce EMF exposure as these can negatively influence the natural cycle that should be running according to lunar energy, not your Wifi box. I would recommend keeping your phone on aeroplane mode, turning the Wifi off at night and grounding/ earthing as much as possible to re-sync your body with the Earth’s natural PEMF, as equally influenced by astronomical bodies such as the Sun and Moon.

For most of us, these are the norm for daily life. In which case, the most important part of preserving the secretion comes from your intention. When the moon is void (just before entering your star sign), sit in meditation and set an intention for the journey so that it knows what potency of different compounds and frequencies it needs in order to birth the desired sacred seed. You will notice the universe then setting out paths for you that will support your production of such (one must be vigilant, however, and know the difference between manifested light and tests from your shadow self).

Good luck! And feel free to email me at for more advice and guidance.

DISLAIMER: I am not a medical doctor. Consult your GP before undertaking any suggestions made on this website.