What is the Law Of Attraction?

The Law Of Attraction is a universal law of nature. There are many laws of nature that govern how the universe works and the connection between each and every one of us to the world. Over generations, these laws have been re-phrased, re-named, re-worded and re-posted within a range of books, websites, blogs, videos, you name it. Some researchers claim that there are 7 laws, others 11, 12, 20, stretching above and beyond 50 universal laws of nature. However, one thing they all have in common is the acceptance of the primary law, ‘The Law of Vibration’, and its secondary law, ‘The Law of Attraction’…

How does is work?

Many of us have the desire for health, wealth and happiness, and know that it is all down to just the flick of a switch in the mind to make this happen. Yet, we don’t have the methods to do it. According to Charles Haanel, philosopher and businessman, “The real secret of power is consciousness of power.” Consequently, the point of this blog area is to provide a background of evidence for the natural laws that govern the universe, physical health, non-physical understanding and to spread joy so that the reader and the next generation that follow will become more aware of the magic provided to us by the universe…

The Creatrix

Inside each of us is the potential to create magic. Inside each of us is
an energy weaver and transmuter. Inside each of us is a Creator (masculine) /
Creatrix (feminine). As a woman, I have written this post from a feminine
perspective- of my Creatrix. If you are reading this as a man, then just know that
the same aspects apply just with masculine terminology…  


The most common reason for our visualisations not manifesting in our reality is that there is an incongruence of energy between our desired- state and current- state.

light language

Light language is the vibration of the universe. When we learn to channel and use this form of communication, we can express ourselves more freely beyond the realms of physical words and limitations…

30 days of happiness

Very early on in my journey, I was seeking ways of upgrading my mood and spreading joy. I spent a month in devotion to my wellbeing and put together a written document to record this. If you feel called to do so, check these activities out and see if you can improve your own mental health, too...