Here, I have endeavoured to answer some of the common questions I get asked with regards to the sacred secretion. I will update this as and when new queries are brought into my awareness. More thorough explanations may be found in the other blogs below.

The Bible Story

For centuries religious texts such as the Bible have been reviewed and analysed for their validity. More recently, attention has turned to the metaphorical significance of these forms of literature. Here, religious teachings are exposed as a hidden explanation of spiritual enlightenment. Jesus, the son/ Sun, is recognised as the story of internal preservation, of the Sacred Secretion…

The scientific explanation

The Sacred Secretion is the spiritual title given to the body’s natural biological rhythm of increased DMT production, a reality- enhancing internal psychedelic. Once released into the bloodstream, the heightened DMT levels allow the individual access to higher planes of awareness. This is the chemical, physiological and astronomical explanation of internal alchemy…

The art of preservation

It is essential to preserve the Sacred Secretion in order to allow it to increase in energetic vibration, particularly during the 2.5 days of rest. Preservation is made by healing ourselves physically, psychologically and spiritually so that we may “prepare the way for the lord”…

when to preserve

Unless you have a sound understanding of astrology, it’s unlikely that you will be able to look up at the sky and know when the Christ Seed will birth within your CSF like the ancients did. Here is a break down of when the Moon enters the different Star signs...


Is preserving the Sacred Secretion and raising the Kundalini the same thing? I get asked this questions A LOT and have endeavored to resolve this to the best of my knowledge, here.

guided meditations

When asked what I believe the most important part of the preservation process is, my thoughts are always intention and preparation. For those lacking confidence in their new preservation practices, I have put together some guided meditations and visualisations that can support...

meli mysteries

Meli (Greek for ‘honey’) is one of the earliest titles given to the sacred secretion, discovered to date. If you haven’t already checked out the Meli Mystery School teachings available, click the ‘Learn More’ button here…

After either consuming or being anointed with nectar and ambrosia (the food of the gods which form honey/meli), one develops ichor (gold) blood and awakens their god-powers. However, the Greek mythologies show that this ichor (blood of the gods) actually runs through the central nervous system: the cerebrospinal fluid…

claustrum oil

During my time researching the different names and terms used to title what I refer to as the sacred secretion, one of the most popular phrases was claustrum oil, which is also commonly associated with the character Santa CLAUS


A chiropractor is a doctor who specialises in optimising the function of the nervous system and aligning the spinal cord/ central light column. Seeking a good chiropractor can be beneficial in enhancing the delivery of the sacred secretion.

The 12 mineral cell salts

According to researchers such as George Carey, Inez Perry and Santos Bonacci, having a balance of the twelve mineral cell salts (disciples of the body fluids) is paramount to keeping the cerebrospinal fluid at an electrical charge just right for birthing, raising, preserving and using the sacred secret-ion…

evidencing eden

The Bible describes a river that emerges from the Garden of Eden. Based on these biblical descriptions, this blog explores three likely places that this sacred garden could reside: Egypt, the Amazon and the human body...


Here, I have listed some recommended further reading for anybody wanting to delve deeper into the subject of the Sacred Secretion.