The melinagi mystery school
Throughout my years of research into the phenomenon we, nowadays, refer to as the sacred secretion, no culture presented more abundant references than that of Ancient Greece, the naval of the world. And within this literature, no character was a better personification for this potential than the goddess Athena (Sekhmet in Ancient Egypt).
In addition to the Sacred Secretion, a key cycle to support the body’s ascension process is Womb Purifying and Ancestral Healing, commonly known as restoring virginity and becoming a holy ho’r. Interestingly, men who became initiates of the feminine mystery rites were known as Lords of the Fish; vastly similar to Yeshua’s (Jesus’) title as ‘Fisher of Men’. Mary Magdalene, see, was not a ‘prostitute’, but a sacred woman who taught others of the divine feminine mysteries.
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With So Much Love and Light
Meli (AKA honey) is a sacred fluid evident throughout ancient texts and mythologies in reference to ‘food of the gods’ which gave the consumer magical powers and potentials. This was created by sacred bees, who were symbolic of Mother Moon. Within this blog, we dive into the evidence behind this Meli being one of the original titles for the sacred secretion.
Nagas (AKA Nagis) are abundant in mythology and folklore, making reference to snake/ serpent energies which support the ascension process. More notably, we see evidence of half-man, half-snake entities that initiate magi and priestesses by opening the door (claustrum) to their serpent treasure: the snake stone/ snake pearl. Here, we explore this phenomenon in relation to the sacred secretion.
Womb Magic
Traditionally, Priestesses of the Sacred Feminine Mystery Rites had to go through a process of cleansing their lineage and awakening the potential of their wombs. This course is a tool to support such development by taken you on a sacred journey with your monthly moon-bleed.
pilgrimage of the holy grail
Traditionally, Priestesses of the Sacred Feminine Mystery Rites had to go through a process of cleansing their lineage and awakening the potential of their wombs. This course is a tool to support such development by taken you on an inner pilgrimage of the Yoni Medicine Wheel.
Sekhem energy
Sekhem is a form of energy healing with routes to Ancient Egypt. It syncronises the physical and energetic and is a great way of preparing the temple- body for the delivery and preservation of the sacred secretion.
Energy anchoring
Energy anchoring refers to particular frequencies sealed and embedded upon an area or collective. Our role as modern humans is to transmute the previously anchored darker energies into more positive frequencies that support the collective awakening and upgrading.
Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), also known as Tapping, is excellent not only for releasing trapped energies and emotions, but also for supporting the manifestation process (the Law of Attraction) and the preservation period (sacred secretion). Some basic details and links to videos can be found here.
Neuro- Linguistic Programming (NLP) is an umbrella term used to describe a range of strategies that can be utilised to bring congruence between a person’s current- self and ideal- self, paramount for optimal manifesting with the Law of Attraction.
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Artwork by Sophie Wilkins