What Is The Law Of Attraction?

Our lives are steered by forces far beyond our capacity for awareness or control. These are laws of nature, and these laws cannot be broken.

There are many laws of nature that govern how the universe works and the connection between each and every one of us to the world. Over generations, these laws have been re-phrased, re-named, re-worded and re-posted within a range of books, websites, blogs, videos, you name it. Some researchers claim that there are 7 laws, others 11, 12, 20, stretching above and beyond 50 universal laws of nature. However, one thing they all have in common is the acceptance of the primary law, ‘The Law of Vibration’, and its secondary law, ‘The Law of Attraction’.

The Law of Vibration concludes that everything in the universe is made of constantly vibrating energy. Everything vibrates, nothing rests. From the most colossal solar system of stars and planets to a minuscule quark of energy, all follow the same rules of energetic movement.

The Law of Attraction states that the vibration that we are in attracts harmonious vibrations. Therefore you will always gravitate towards that which you give your attention to. We are all magnetic creatures and good things happen when we expect them to; thus whatever you believe must come true. It’s law.

To the universe, mass and energy are equivalent. Therefore it has no problem converting between the two at the speed of light. This is evidenced from Einstein’s world famous equation: E=MC squared. Fortunately, this version of reality consists of a time-space delay; meaning that things do not manifest into your experience instantaneously. There is a ‘buffer of time’ between what you think about and something manifesting, the length of which depends on the level of emotional input and the longevity of the thought pattern. This luckily allows for a change in course and the opportunity to redirect your attention in the direction of the reality you actually do want (How awful, if every time you imagined a spider, an eight-legged creepy crawly fell into your palm?!)

As a consciously evolved species, humans have developed the brain capacity for problem solving, emotional regulation and predicting the future. As a result, long before it manifests, you can tell by the way you feel whether it is an experience you truly want, as your emotions are your physical indication of what you are manifesting. If you want your desires to appear quicker, you must be in a positive vibration, eliminating doubt and fear, more frequently. I say ‘more frequently’ as we are human and negativity is part of our survival (“I know that there is a tiger’s den there, so I must avoid that area as it’s also mating season…” etc). Hence, like the scales of Libra, we just need to focus on tilting the balance in our favour by becoming more aware.

FYI: The quickest and easiest way to up your positive vibrational output is through gratitude. By being thankful for what is around you, your mood, thoughts and corresponding frequency can’t help but release the vibration of love- the most powerful emotion on Earth.

Interestingly, the principles of the Law Of Attraction can also be found within historic literature. For example, Jesus himself proclaimed: “If anyone says to this mountain ‘Be lifted from your place and hurled into the sea,’ and has no inward doubts, but believes that what he says is happening, it will be done for him. I tell you, then, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received in and it will be yours.” Jesus, Gospel of Mark, Chapter 11: 23-24). He was also a man who knew the importance of living in the moment; living for now. (“Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust consume and where thieves break in and steal; but store up for yourselves treasures in heaven.” Jesus, Gospel of Matthew, Chapter 6: 19-20.) A close literature-relative of the Bible is the Quran, which states: “And [remember] when your Lord proclaimed, ‘If you are grateful, I will surely increase you [in favour]” – Al Quran (14:7). Not surprisingly, it is Buddhism that is the ‘religion’ (it isn’t really a religion, as such; more of a way of life) that is most universally recognised as the practice of the Law Of Attraction. One of the most infamous Buddha quotes being, “What you think, you become. What you feel, you attract. What you imagine, you create.”

Obviously, you don’t necessarily need to know what these laws are or how they work to know that they will work. Ancient people didn’t know about friction before inventing the wheel. Humans don’t yet understand what electricity is but they know how to use it and expand it. Babies don’t know what gravity is, but they use it to stand and walk and play. Physicists themselves even admit that they can only explain 5% of the universe. There are books and documentaries readily available for those of you who are interested in delving deeper into the subject (I, personally, would recommend Joe Dispenza’s book: Supernatural). For everybody else, just trying to be positive more often than you are not is enough for the universal energy field to read and manifest more of what you love.

Good luck! x