30 Days To Happiness

This blog is presenting you with a self-directed challenge. Fully immerse yourself and your family, and I guarantee that the challenges will make your life happier, more positive and full of fun and laughter. And it doesn’t need to stop there. You can repeat the challenge over and over, choose your favourites and repeat those every day, or even create your own daily challenges. The point is to just do something every day, preferably first thing in the morning, that’ll make you feel happier and put your vibration on a higher frequency so that you can attract more of what you love. I strongly, strongly urge you to get your kids in on this, too! Whether your a parent, teacher, babysitter, whatever, it is so important that children are shown how important it is that they look for the positive and seek fun in their lives. The last thing the world needs is a generation of robot-people who just spend their lives working and feeling depressed, convincing themselves that working hard for eleven months a year for just one month off is all that they are worth.

If one of the activities doesn’t seem appropriate for that day due to weather, other plans, etc, then just book mark it for a more convenient time. If you miss a day, don’t sweat it, just carry on from where you left off. If you miss many days, start back from the beginning as, to form a new habit, it must be consistent. You could even reward yourself and your children at the end of each day if you can complete the activity and recall five good things that happened they day.

During these challenges, your task is to re-define your understanding and philosophy of the world.

To use LOA to your advantage, it must be made habitual, a way of being, not just a one-time event. It takes, on average, twenty one days to start forming a habit. To START forming a habit. We all know how easy it is to drop a habit when the motivation has gone; from attempting every diet known to man, to going to the gym every day... week... month... when we ‘have the time’... to making more effort with friends.

Therefore, to solidify the habit of LOA further, I have upped the game. This is a thirty day challenge. With a little extra at the end. Thirty days of smiles, laughter, gratitude and a new car! Maybe... possibly... if you manifest hard enough...

In addition to the daily activities outlined in this book, you have an extra challenge. For four weeks, you are to go on a ‘News Fast’. For five weeks, the News is banned from your house! This includes any negative news from word of mouth. If somebody tries to tell you about ‘that terrible thing that happened on the TV last night’, swiftly change the subject! This alone will ensure that your home is emitting more positive vibrations. I would bet every penny in my bank that 99% of the world news is positive; the other 1% is just the news that sells! The media knows that negative news stories are more likely to stick with us psychologically, therefore they make more money! In addition, the Capitalist billionaires that own the news companies also know that scare mongering the public makes them more cooperative when following their rules, “for their own safety” (like when the government attempted to justify spying on everybody). Anyway: no news for a month!

Enjoy your family’s company and have fun in the Universal Playground! This is the first day of the rest of your life.

So here it is! The Thirty Day Challenge!

DAY 1: The Thank You Game.

There is a well-known saying that “Humans only value that which has a price.” Meaning that anything acquired without effort or cost is unappreciated. Therefore, today’s focus is going to be on reminding yourself of everything that you to be grateful for.

According to the Journal Of Positive Psychology in 2009 [1], gratitude is strongly related to belief that life is manageable, meaningful and understandable, reframing experiences in a positive way. Grateful people are less anxious, depressed, envious, lonely or materialistic, and gratitude is one of the top 5 character strengths associated with life satisfaction. (Even Jesus said, “Thank you,” before every miracle that he performed.)

This is because the happiest people don’t bother about whether life is fair or compare their blessings with somebody else’s, they just focus on being grateful for what they have (which often miraculously attracts to them more things to make them grateful... strange that...) Everybody works more efficiently when they feel appreciated; the universe is no different. An attitude of gratitude ensures that we are focusing on the good and what we really want. And words hold immense power, so let’s put this in to practise today!

The beauty of this game is that it can be played anywhere; on the way to school, whilst eating dinner, on the toilet, anywhere! With your children, take it in turns to say ‘Thank You’ for something you have in your life. It can be anything, as long as you mean it.

Thank you for my eyes that allow me to see. Thank you for breakfast that gives me energy. Thank you for the toilet that keeps the house from smelling. Thank you for clear roads that get us to school on time. Thank you for music that makes me feel good. Thank you for a parking spot far away so that we can get fitter whilst walking to the gates.

Who will be the first one to hesitate? Who can think of the funniest thing to be grateful for? Is anyone thankful for olives? Or cold weather?

DAY 2: Finding A Happy Place.

There are alternatives to getting angry or feeling low. It can be difficult at first, but after a while it will sink in and you will find yourself able to think more rationally in situations that are uncomfortable. After all, emotionalised thoughts have action influence.

Having a happy place isn’t just about a beautiful meadow with rushing waterfalls and sunshine; is that really how you would want to spend every single day? Your happy place should be your destination, your goal. How do you know when you are happy? What makes you happy?

The point of today’s challenge is just that: How will you know when you are happy? What will it look like? How will it make you feel? Are there any particular smells/ tastes/ sounds/ sights? You can update your happy place as much as you like. For instance, as I’m writing this, my happy place is with my family around the Christmas dinner table, laughing at terrible cracker jokes and wearing paper hats as we devour steamed vegetables and listen to jolly music. After the Christmas season my happy place will most likely be on a beach somewhere drinking out of coconuts.

So, your task for today is to think about your happy place. If you’re comfortable enough, share it with your children, really describe it and have them ask you questions about it so that the image becomes even stronger. To strengthen the vision, use every sense as this will ignite every part of the brain to solidify the memory. Then, swap. Make the image of that happy place so real inside your heads that the butterflies in your stomach go wild with anticipation as the universe fast-forwards that vision into your physical world.

DAY 3: The Gratitude Board.

Past experience leads to present beliefs, which leads to an internal response, which results in an external response. Plus, if there is anything in the past that you wish you could change, remember that forgiveness is a gift you can give yourself; no strings attached. Forgiveness is the act of being grateful for the experience you had and the lessons you learned so that you can move on with your life.

Look at your life at the moment. What you have and what you’ve had. On a scale of one to ten, how happy and thankful are you for your life, exactly how it is right now? The lower the score, the harder you’re going to need to work today! By the end of this challenge, you should be oozing gratefulness from every pore in your meat-wagon of a physical body.

A state of gratefulness raises our vibration and alters our psychology. Therefore, today’s challenge is to create a gratitude board. Now, it’s completely up to you and your loves how you wish to set it up. You could create collages from cut up magazines, take photos on a tablet to generate a photo collage, find an old outfit and write/ draw/ glue all over it, draw it out on a piece of paper, write it out as a list, whatever, be creative! You could even go all out, being environmentally friendly by creating a 3D junk model sculpture of what you are thankful for and hold an art exhibition. The presentation isn’t the important part, the strong feeling of gratitude is! Oh, and having fun.

DAY 4: The Dream Board.

Going places is simpler and more successful when you have a destination in mind, and making a change of habit is easier when it is based on what you really want. Yet, many of us live as though we are immortal, always just waiting for ‘the right time’. That time is now.

Your mind and thoughts need to be on the same frequency as your goals in order to attract them into your life. There are countless stories of celebrities who envisioned their success over and over in their mind in order to be on the same frequency and attract it (including Oprah Winfrey, Jim Carrey, Conor McGregor, LMFAO, Arnold Schwarzenegger… the list is endless!)

It is said that dreams are the seedlings of reality. Therefore, today’s challenge is the sequel from yesterday’s. You are to create vision boards for your future dreams. Even Einstein said that, “Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions.”

Ask your family: If you had infinite opportunities (which is true, by the way of natural laws), what would you aspire to do? A sky dive? Open an animal shelter? Complete the London Marathon? Be a multi-millionaire? Visit a chocolate factory? See the Northern Lights? It’s your dream board; fill it with your dreams! And it’s perfectly fine if you or your children don’t want to share these with one another. It’s natural to sometimes feel like our dreams are silly because they may seem so impossible (Although, once you have done enough research into the cosmic laws as discussed earlier, you will realise that nothing is impossible). In which case, hide the finished dream board away somewhere and get it out another day when it doesn’t feel so strange, probably once it has manifested into reality. On the other hand, if you are happy to share, brilliant! As with the happy place game on day 2, ask questions about each other’s boards. Make those visions and dreams so real and exciting that they just have to become a physical reality. Expectation is a powerful attractive force; expect the things you want as if they are already yours. (Fake it until you make it!)

DAY 5: Beyond The Clouds.

It’s no wonder that children nowadays seem to have constantly eroding attention spans. They begin life with more toys than they could possible break in one day, meaning that they never have to hold their attention on something for very long at all. Then they discover video games (which, as a huge gaming addict myself, I would never say should be banned completely, plus some are actually pretty educational! There just needs to be a limit.) Next, they may have to spend hours at a desk with an old-fashioned teacher who takes their break time away, before coming home to parents who are stressed about their own work lives. It’s all rather depressing!

Unsurprisingly, humans spend almost 50% of their time thinking about something other than what they are doing [2]. I couldn’t tell you the number of times I’ve be talking to someone, seemingly engrossed in the conversation, when really I was thinking about Harry Potter or what I was having for dinner. Consequently, today’s challenge is a simple one (weather permitting). We’re going to be mindful. We’re going to pause time and just live in the moment for a while, with no stress or expectations.

You may be fortunate enough to have a trampoline to lay on or for it to be a warm day, otherwise, take a blanket out for this one. And you’re all just going to sit and look at the clouds passing. What direction are they moving in? Who can see the most obscure image? Can you make a story up from the formations? Just spend as much time as you can just here, in this moment, together, calmly focusing on just the clouds and your own thoughts. You could even take a picnic! Who can spot a cloud shaped like a sandwich? The dog? A Mohawk? A real dragon! And why not make the most of the Earth’s free-electrons and de-stress your cells by grounding on the bare earth? It’s a Win: Win!

DAY 6: The Seventeen Second Rule.

It’s important to remember that everything you want is already yours; otherwise you wouldn’t know that you wanted it. It’s just waiting in the universal infinite energy field, invisible to your 5 physical human senses, until you’re on the same frequency.

Imagine that what you crave most is an invisible seed in the non-physical atmosphere. Being aware that it is there, in the spirit, allows the seed to sow (or, in quantum physics terms, allows the thought and outcome particles to entangle and attract). You now need to give it the nutrients it needs for it to blossom (strengthening the entanglement). The nutrients a spiritual seed need to survive include gratitude, attention, focus and harmony. Through these acts, the universe (including the entangled particles) will communicate with you by altering your emotional state. Emotions are awareness of vibration. So when you’re feeling disappointed that your desire hasn’t manifested, it’s because, deep down, you know that you are the one that isn’t feeding it what it needs. When you feel excited for it arriving, it’s because you know that you are on the same frequency and it is inevitably coming your way! Bob Proctor states that it is concentration and being in a positive vibrational state that speeds up the gestation time of a non-physical seed into a physical [3].

For today’s task, we’re again going to focus on that concentration. Esther Hicks claims that, to raise your frequency, all you need to do is think of a happy thought for 17 seconds [4]. It could be your happy place from day 2. But just focus on that happy thought for 17 seconds. Feel the excitement and joyfulness engulfing your being. Let a smile crown your face. If you stay here in this happy place for longer, great! If your mind wanders, don’t sweat it! As long as it wanders to another happy thought. And if you feel any emotion other than pure happiness today then take yourself off to the bathroom and spend 17 seconds with your happy thoughts. That’s it.

DAY 7: Open Wide, Here Comes The Aeroplane.

All too often we guzzle down our meals without really appreciating the luxury of the food with all of our senses. Research shows that being more conscious of chewing not only allows the body to digest and absorb the nutrients easier, but it also allows the body be mindful in the moment (a form of meditation). Furthermore, mindfulness based interventions help to cope with food cravings [5] and raise the body’s vibration as the mind is calmed to a more relaxed, open state.

Hence, our challenge for today is to be present whilst eating. It can be a meal, maybe breakfast, or a snack, like a piece of fruit, or buy a chocolate bar to enjoy after dinner and everyone takes a square. For this task, you are going to use all of your senses to really appreciate what you are eating. I am going to use the example of a square of chocolate. Start by placing the chocolate in your palm and just look at the small brown square of delight. Notice any curves and shapes. Does it reflect the light? Are there any finger print marks over it? How does it feel in your hand? Can you compare its shape and size to anything else? Then lift the treat to your nostrils. How does it smell? Does the scent bring back any memories? How does your body react to the aroma? Next, slowly place the square into your mouth, but do not chew yet! Simply roll your tongue around it and really taste the chocolate. How quickly does it melt? Try to think of three words to describe the taste and texture. Finally, chew and enjoy! Well done; reward yourself with another square!

If you have the time and resources, this challenge could be made into a tasting-contest, whereby everybody compares some samples of food, giving each a score out of ten for Appearance, Smell, Texture and Taste.

DAY 8: Telling Tales.

Story telling is not only fun and incredible for children’s education, but it is in our DNA. It is central to human existence and common in every known culture, just look up ancient cave paintings. We use stories to make sense of our world and to survive by imagining possible outcomes to scenarios. Being able to use the past memories of others has given humans the ability to predict future outcomes and adjust their current actions accordingly (sound familiar?).

Today’s activity is all about using that awesome imagination of yours but with a twist. You and your children are going to think back to a situation that was not so enjoyable (maybe someone broke a bone or the dog chewed up a beloved toy) and you’re going to change it. This is all too common as your brain often distorts memories based on the times we have retold them before. According to research published in the Journal Of Neuroscience [6], recalling a memory makes it less accurate because, instead of remembering the actual memory, you’re recalling the last time you remembered it and any mistakes that might have been introduced there. This neuronal-trait makes it all too simple for the brain to exaggerate a memory and alter our belief systems.

Therefore, today we are gong to take advantage of this brain function to re-write a memory that previously negative experiences. This is a popular NLP trick known as swishing, which we are going to use to make that angry memory a laughable one! Maybe the hospital replaced the broken leg with a bionic one instead and now you’re a superhero. Or maybe the dog now farts rainbows. You could even role-play this activity if your children are compliant enough.

DAY 9: Best Joke Competition.

The fewer rules you have about how life ought to be and how other people should behave, the happier you will inevitably become! Learn to laugh when things go wrong, laugh at the driver who got angry at you driving the speed limit, laugh when you stump your toe whilst thinking about how much you hate your boss (the universe is telling you to chill out!) and laugh when you burn a boiled egg (practice makes better).

Studies show that laughter is one of the few activities that stimulate electrical impulses in all parts of the brain [7]. But when was the last time you laughed? And I mean really laughed. Not pretending to laugh at a colleague or giggling at bad acting on TV soaps. Laughter attracts joy, releases negativity and leads to miraculous cures to disease. We have all heard the old saying, “Laughter is the best medicine,” and it is still repeated today for good reason! No matter who you are, where you are or how you’re feeling, there is always room for a face-aching chuckle.

The bottom line is, we don’t laugh enough anymore. You could spend all of your waking hours on the floor in stitches and still, in my opinion, it would not be enough. Today’s task is a simple one and self explanatory. Share the task in the morning and spend the day brewing on it. Ask friends, neighbours, look online or, better yet, invent your own. Then come back together later and share your jokes. Who received the most gags? Who told it best? Can anyone remember everybody else’s? You could even host a family stand-up comedy night. Buy some popcorn and give each member a minute to make the rest of the family chuckle! (You could even start by fake laughing as this, inevitably, will lead to full on, Santa Clause belly-stitching.)

If you’re short for time, maybe re-vamp the game into a Try Not To Laugh challenge or abstract-beatboxing or silly-face-pulling.

DAY 10: Nature Walk.

“Nature isn’t a place to visit. It’s home.” – Gary Snyder.

On average, sixty to seventy percent of new neurons die off. According to Brant Cortright [8], to boost neuron survival rate we need to be living in an enriched environment. He claims that an enriched environment includes exercise, touch, sleep, doing new things in new places with new sensory stimulation, being in nature and music (which includes silence and natural sounds). Sound is a vibration on a frequency that our brains are able to process through sensory receptors in our ears. Hence, it can be said that plants and human beings are, technically, music that has taken on visible form. The vibration of nature is perfect and harmonious, taking on a frequency of 528 hertz. As part of the energy of the universe, humans resonate perfectly with the frequency of nature.

Obviously, there are countless benefits to being outside in nature, both physically and psychologically, which has been well-researched and proved over and over again [9] and includes the treatment of ADHD [10]. Therefore, today’s challenge is all about getting in touch with your natural self. You are going to compact all of these today for a super, mega, ultra, neuron-thriving nature walk! Find a nice forest that is surrounded by mighty, oxygen-producing trees. Don’t hold back; be kids! Let them find their inner wild-self. Smell a flower, climb a tree, hug a tree, rub a tree (with paper and crayons), just be present amongst the trees.

Danny Penman’s book, The Art Of Breathing [11], recommends a scavenger hunt. Take a shoe box with you into the forest and collect anything you feel drawn to. If something looks especially interesting, touch it or pick it up. Really gaze at it and take note of all of its (im)perfections. Soak up the textures. Smell it. Use all of your senses to explore it. Collect five objects each before coming back together and looking at your natural treasures! What’s their story? (You can use your imagination to make this up… Maybe a Cyclops dropped the chocolate wrapper as he was climbing the tree whilst playing Hide And Seek with an Ogre.)

Other activities could include a Photo-Scavenger-Hunt, making your own natural paint, going back-garden-camping, creating your own Nature-Gym and building forts and dens. You could even take a picnic and listen to the bird whilst you eat. But before you leave, give a silent thanks to nature for its perfect playground.

DAY 11: Animal Selfie.

For each creature on the planet, there are parts of reality that are just not necessary for their survival. Hence, their brains have evolved to focus on what is necessary in order to harvest energy efficiently and maximise the number of offspring produce. Thus, there is a single reality but no one known animal species can perceive all of it; each organism lives in a sensory reality that differs from others. For example, light is electromagnetic radiation that homes a large variety of electromagnetic energy wavelengths that are measures in nanometers (NM). Human eyes have evolved to perceive 400 to 700 on the NM scale because this range represents the majority of solar radiation that reaches Earth. However, light radiation that is less than 400 NM includes UV, Xray, gamma ray and those above 700 NM include infrared, microwaves and radio waves.

Yet, together we create a harmonious balance of light perceiving beings living in tranquillity (kind of...)

War is unusual and rare among animals and it is only chimpanzees and humans go to war. Wild animals are far more in touch with their natural selves than humans, who have come so far away from their ancestors. The instincts of most animals are still intact and effective at ensuring their survival (not like humans who rely on produce from other creatures, commercial supermarkets and the capitalist big food chains, bankers and politicians). You just need to watch birds in the early hours of the morning as evidence for this. There are also endless stories about how animals (clearly sensing the lack of sense and intellect in humans) have come to the aid of people. This includes stories of dolphins protecting swimmers from sharks; sea lions saving humans from drowning; dogs taking on wild animals or attackers to protect their owners; beavers keeping lost people warm; lions seeing off kidnappers of stolen children; deer warning off attackers; and I’m sure you all remember the video of the pet cat chasing off the neighbour’s dog that attacked the small boy playing outside. There are so many of these beautiful stories that show how connected every being is and how empathetic these ‘wild’ creatures are. I’ve even read a story about a dog that was being surgically experimented on without anaesthetic who turned mid-operation and licked the hand of his torturer... I mean experimental surgeon... I mean scientist! Licked the hand of the scientist... Anyway; animals, they’re awesome! (And, in my opinion, far spiritually superior to humans.)

It’s common knowledge that there are a tonne of benefits from interacting with animals, from a loneliness antidote to exercise motivation, our furry friends know how to make us smile without even trying. It is also an accepted belief that wild animals are a sign from the universe that things are on the right track for you right now. Therefore, today’s challenge is about magnifying the fun you can have with Earth’s other spiritual beings: You’re going to take animal selfies!

Whether it’s with the household dog, a neighbour’s cat or a wild squirrel in a tree (please don’t approach the wild squirrel... or any wild animals, for that matter, just encase!) just pull a funny face and tap that camera! You could even create some awards to present for the most original animal selfie, the most imaginative, the funniest, the cutest, the best filter, and so on. Or create your own Ozzy-Man-Style video compilation. You will first need some animal volunteers, domestic or wild.

And you’re going to practise your telepathic powers!

Communicate between the animals and create a connection using their body language.

What are they saying?

Create a conversation and share with your family.

Who can think of the funniest animal situation?

Who is the quickest witted?


DAY 12: Body Shapes.

I won’t bother listing the benefits of exercise and stretching because you know them already (even if you pretend not to, that’s another story...) I will, however, bring your attention to an essential neurotransmitter called serotonin. It communicates with the brain via the nervous system and has a range of jobs, including improving memory and balancing moods. We all know how essential balance is for raising your vibration and, in turn, growing that spiritual, non-physical seed into a beautiful, physical manifestation of your most yearned for desire.

The best ways to increase serotonin levels are through direct sunlight, massages, remembering happy events and.... exercise! But I am more than aware that time, space and having to untie the knots in the kids’ trainers can drain motivation. Consequently, today’s challenge is a light-hearted, laugh-inducing, easy-exercise game.

Like all of these daily challenges, it is exactly what it says on the tin! You’re going to take it in turns to create as many crazy shapes as you can with your body, whether its the basic arch or a simple stick. The kids could even go all out with their creativity and start using props or acting as cheerleaders. Maybe even blow the dust off of that old Twister board and give your moves a go on that! Similarly, you could all write out ideas and put them in a jar, taking it in turns to pull one out and complete the challenge.

DAY 13: Millionaire Sweep.

We live in an infinite universe; nature knows no lack. Just look out of your window to see the abundance in the world: blades of grass, birds in the sky, leaves on the trees. Money is the same. After all, it is just energy like everything else. But how can we raise our frequency to be on the same vibration of abundant finances?

As mentioned previously, a goal or desire is a spiritual seed and all seeds have a gestation period. Like a physical seed, if you force if you will cause damage. Given the right nutrients for survival, the seed vibrates and expands until it manifests. Key nutrients include gratitude and a raised, positive vibration. To stay in the right vibration of the spiritual seed, you need to be in the same, harmonious frequency as it, as if you have it already so that the universe will seek balance, by hanging around with the right people in the right places; imagined or not.


If you had a million pounds, what would you spend it on?

Gather up any old Argos catalogues and magazines or set the collage app up on your smart phone and get shopping! Not literally, obviously, but just for a while imagine that money was no object. How would you and your family spend the extra cash? Toys? Gadgets? Holidays? Remember, these activities are all about getting on the ‘feel-good-frequency’ and laughing as much as you can, so encourage lots of talk about, “How would you feel if you had that right now? What would you do next?” and so on. Plus, if you want to make this activity more educational, you can talk to your kids about investments, but that is by no means necessary here. Go nuts! Have fun!

DAY 14: The Thirty Four Second Rule.

To change a belief, a person must consciously and deliberately plant ideas into their subconscious mind through repetition. Once the subconscious mind has been conditioned to believe your desired truth, your body will blossom with a high vibrating aura. As a species, we must continuously raise our vibrations through positive thoughts, feelings and actions as part of the spiritual development our energy returned to Earth for.

In 1993, a two-month study in Washington, America [12], found that the collective meditation of a large group reduced crime rate by 23.3%, which increased again after the experiment, as well as social stress and improved the effectiveness of the government. So this will expand and affect the whole family.

Last week I challenged you to visualise a happy thought for 17 seconds. Easy, right? Well today’s challenge is to do the exact same thing... but for double the time! Start with thinking of your happy place (or whatever it is you think about when you need to raise your vibration onto the feel-good-frequency) and holding the thought for 17 seconds. Naturally, your brain will wander. Hopefully, it wanders into another good-feeling thought. The point of this challenge is to just be at peace with your happy thoughts for long enough to change the frequency you are emitting into a high-attracting, positive one. Feel curious when your mind wanders (what is happening in my brain? In my body?) And remember, this is like a mini-meditation, so it is great for your brain too! Keep happy-thinking! And whenever you or any of your kids are feeling any less than incredible, go off with your happy thoughts for 17 seconds (or 34, if you’re counting).

DAY 15: Adopt A Rock.

Yes, you are. You are going to go outside and find the most interesting, unique (dare I say, cutest?) rock. Give it a name. Make it a home. Easy! Why? First, young kids love it. Being able to rummage around on the ground looking at rocks to keep inside is tremendous fun! When this faze started at the school I was teaching at a few years back, I was forever admiring the creativity of numerous children bringing their adopted rocks in to show me. Secondly, being outside increases serotonin, which, as we’ve already established, supports the war against moodiness.

Has your teenager screeched “I’m not doing that!” yet? If not, perfect! If so, maybe this will persuade them:

Goofing around is actually good for you! Feeling silly or embarrassed are just forms of fear as fear is a feeling produced when the brain believes there is a danger. Hence, tackling fears enables your brain to create new links and memories which, in the long term, make a person more open-minded and courageous. Plus, once you tackle one fear, it will have a domino effect on other fears, such as talking to someone you find attractive or an up-coming assessment.

This block of solid mineral aggregate could even travel be taken on trips out with you in a pocket, and every time you feel or notice the rock you have to make sure you are thinking positively. Go to your happy place or list reasons to be grateful in the moment. I actually used the Gratitude Rock idea when teaching a particularly negative class of children. It certainly kept me sane!

Another idea is to paint the rocks with positive messages and affirmations before laying them around your local area. A lady who lived on my estate did this and the kids absolutely loved finding them! At the end of today’s activity, the worst case scenario is that you’ll have a rock to use as a paper weight. Win Win!

DAY 16: Five-Seven Breathing.

You breathe 22,000 times a day; how many are you aware of?

“But we breathe every day, I’m doing it right now!” is the wrong answer (if there is such thing as a ‘wrong’ answer, that is).

Yes, we breathe automatically on a continuous basis, but are we actually breathing? Your automatic breath is just your survival instinct again, that animal part of the brain that is only interested in keeping you alive.

Which is all well and good as we all want to live.

However, when was the last time you were actually aware of your breathing? When was the last time you thanked a plant for the oxygen it produces for you to breathe? Or the last time you considered the miracle of the perfect ratio of gases for our air? Or were grateful for your working lungs? When was the last time you counted your breath in and out?

There is an incredible level of research into the benefits of breathing with awareness. For millenniums, people have used the positive effects of breathing for astounding effects of the mind and body, including relief from pain, anxiety and stress, as well as spiritual enlightenment.

As the breath waxes and wanes, the abdominal organs rise and fall by 4-5 centimetres. The powerful muscles of the diaphragm, abdomen and the intercostal muscles that lie between the ribs are helped along by the smaller secondary muscles of the neck shoulders and upper ribs. This pumps oxygen and nutrient-rich fluids through the lymphatic system, flushing out toxins. The physical movement of the breath also massages the liver, kidneys, intestines and joints of the spine to keep everything healthy, supple and well- lubricated. However, when we are anxious or upset, the abdomen tenses and prevents the bigger muscles from working properly. This strains the smaller ones; which is why we can often feel achy when stressed. The gentle rising and falling of breath stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system, releasing soothing hormones to flow through the body.

I remember particular boy I taught one year who had, what he referred to as, ‘anger issues’.

(Eugh! I hate that! No one has anger issues just a current lack of awareness of self-control, especially as children when their brains are still forming, The last thing we want is to be encouraging our children to think that this is true or an excuse.)

Yet, through deliberate breathing, he quickly became ‘cured’ and calm.

5/7 is an awesome tool for teaching self-control and did absolute wonders for the boy I mentioned earlier. You’ll notice that when humans are angry they automatically begin breathing deeper. That’s because the body is aware that it needs to calm down and assess the situation further; it’s up to the person in control where they choose to go with it.

It’s not just when feeling angry that deep breathing is effective. We can use 5/7 breathing anytime when we just want to bring our attention back to ourselves.

If you’re interested in meditation (which I strongly advise) then a session of 5/7 breathing is perfect, whether it’s for 1 minute, 10 or 30. Maybe before setting off on your journey to school today, regardless of time, take 20 seconds to breath. Really breathe. And when in doubt: breathe in and out.

Remember, “As long as you are breathing, there is more right with you than wrong with you.” – Jon Kabat- Zinn.

DAY 17: Random Acts Of Kindness.

Your thoughts, feelings and actions need to be in harmony with each other in order to attract the things you want to attract into your life. To attract the desires you want most, you must learn to be at ease with what you want as if you already have it, by receiving graciously and giving willingly. When you commit an act of kindness, it causes elevated levels of dopamine in the brain, which gives you a natural high [13]. According to Bridget Grenville- Cleave, a positive psychologist and founding member of the International Positive Psychology Association, “Random Acts of Kindness are, without a doubt, one of the most important activities for cementing relationships and building bonds.” [14]

As you delve deeper into the principle of true abundance, you will begin to see how giving is just as important as receiving. Therefore, today’s challenge is focusing on spreading the joy. You’re each going to do something really kind for someone. Someone random. Let’s say you do one small thing that raises the vibration of one person, and then they go on to do the same, and so on and so on. Then, before you know it, your one positive act has raised the vibration of dozens of people, which, as karma, will multiply the good you receive in return.

You could buy a stranger a coffee, draw a thoughtful picture for your teacher, leave kind notes around your local area (like in a library book or under a windscreen wiper. Maybe, instead of writing ‘Clean Me’ on the neighbours filthy van, write ‘Be Happy’, you could even add a complimentary outline of a bumble bee for good measure); or giving a stranger a lottery ticket. Remember, kindness doesn’t have a price; It’s not the deed, it’s the thought behind the deed. Doing something kind for someone doesn’t count if you do it with a sour face or grudge for any pennies spent! Remember, we’re raising our vibration to attract good things to us; and we can only attract good if we feel good. What one good thing could you do that others will feel motivated to pass on? A full-face smile? A joke? A positive note with ‘Pass It On’ written at the end? Or even an item with ‘Pass On The Kindness’ (or something along those lines) written on it? Do what you can to start a positive train line of kindness that leads back to you, improving your own karma ten-fold!

DAY 18: Starting Off Small...

Bob Proctor says: “If you can see it in your mind, you can hold it in your hand.” But, sometimes, trying to manifest a million pounds just seems too impossible. Even if you really desire it, and you’re trying really hard to stay positive, in the back of your mind, subconsciously, you may just not believe it to be possible. Both your memory of the past, including any conditioning that money is difficult to obtain, and your ability to plan for the future are critical to the smooth running of your daily life and overall survival, but they are also biased by your prevailing moods. When you feel a sense of hopelessness, it’s almost impossible to look to the future with optimism. This, then, causes anxiety and negative vibrational outputs as you are in a state of unease. Therefore, today we are going to start small. If, deep down, you truly don’t believe that bringing a million into reality is possible, how about a hundred pounds? Or a tenner? Or a coffee? Or a text message?

Use today to seek approval from the universe that LOA is working. Think of something small that, when delivered to you, it will be a clear message that the universe is listening. Maybe your kid could feel excited about getting an ice cream and you could feel over-joyed about winning on a scratch card. More clarification can be added to this by not telling one-another what is being intentioned until after it has become reality. This way, nobody can intervene in anybody else’s vision. In addition, Renowned visualiser, Genevieve Behrend, in her classical LOA guide: Your Invisible Power, claims that visualisations are given more momentum when kept secret. She states that by keeping your desires to yourself, you prevent any ridicule from deterring you from positivity [15].

As you visualise, make the image in your head so vivid, so realistic, that the universe can’t help but entangle your energies and bring your desire into reality. When you have it, how will it look? How will it feel? How will it smell? Brighten the image and make it clearer, and clearer… and believe you already have it throughout the day.

Start small…

Day 19: Heart Is Where The Home Is.

Love and light are two sides of the same coin; both have positive healing frequencies (although light is more of a physical manifestation). Even Mother Teresa said that we should all try to do ordinary things with extraordinary love as works of love are always works of joy.

Modern Science shows that the heart is the largest electromagnetic field produced in the body (and the electromagnetic field is where emotional information is encoded). The heart even beats to a different rhythm when we feel happy and loved.

Yet, how often are you really grateful for your heart?

Feel your heart now. Notice the rhythm. Can you tap it? Run up and down the stairs! Yes, you too, grown ups! How does your heart feel now? Tap the rhythm. Remember our Five-Seven breathing from a few days ago? Try that. After making your heart race, put one hand over it and tap the rhythm with the other. As you do your Five-Seven breathing, notice how the rhythm changes. Imagine the electromagnetic field (aura) penetrating from your heart being peaceful and harmonious... Enjoy living in the moment.

DAY 20: Brain Training.

The vast majority of human beings have on-hand access to mobile phones, computers, tablets... endless technology! Which has made our lives easier and our knowledge evolve at a rapid rate. As mentioned within the introduction, at the rate humans are advancing technology now, there will be 20,000 years’ worth of progress in the next hundred years.

Unfortunately, over-dependence on our digital devices is leading to a breakdown of cognitive abilities. Neuroscientist Manfred Spitzer proposes that short-term memory pathways will start to deteriorate from underuse if we overuse technology [16]. Furthermore, The Journal Of Science And Healing has claimed that heavy internet use that can cause the left side of the brain to overdevelop, leaving the right side underdeveloped [17]. As you may be aware, the right side of the brain is widely associated with creativity. And we all know how important our imagination is for manifesting desires. Improved memory and problem solving also fights off dementia and altzeimers. Therefore, today we are going to cut ties with this reliability of technology. There’s a reason the CEOs of big technology companies, such as Apple and Facebook, limit their kids’ time online.

For this challenge, you’re going to entertain yourself, like the good old days. You may want to space this out over time or play a range of these whilst enjoying a Saturday Night Takeaway as I have a few options for this one. The first is my favourite and an absolute classic: The Yes/ No game. The objective is to take it in turns to be ‘the one’ whilst the other members of the game ask ‘the one’ questions, trying to get them to say yes or no. Answers could include ‘maybe’, ‘kind of’, ‘sometimes’, but not YES or NO!

For my second game, you can be more creative. It’s a Story Telling game. Sit together and take it in turns to say a sentence for a story. The catch, however, is to retell the whole story so far before saying your next sentence.

For example:

“The river trickled down the rocks.”

“The river trickled down the rocks. Suddenly, a leprechaun appeared.”

“The river trickled down the rocks. Suddenly, a leprechaun appeared. The little green man broke the silence by dancing across the rocks.”

And so on and so on. For younger children, they could be given some paper and draw pictures to help them.

My third memory game is a more active memory game. It’s Spot The Difference! This can be played individually or in teams. One person/ team leaves the room whilst the other people/ team change things around the room, like moving the lamp to the other side of the room or changing the TV channel. The spotting team will receive a point for everything they notice.

(You should probably limit the changes to five to ten depending on the age of group members.)

A more hands-on game could be ‘Guess What Is In The Bag.’ Fill a bag with various items and take it in turns to put a hand in and guess an object. Easy Peasy! A more active game could be a fast-paced Simon Says.

On the contrary, you could up the ante and get your Art Attack on. Everyone draws on some paper/cards before laying the cards down. Each person takes it in turns to pick two cards. If they can reason why the two cards make a ‘pair’ then they get a point. And it doesn’t matter what the comparison is, as long as it can be explained.

Other effective activities include aerobics, martial arts, yoga or any physical activity.

DAY 21: Pre-paving.

Pre-paving is a term used by many LOA practitioners which simply means to pre-plan your day. It gives birth to the kind of day you desire. By observing the outcome, you alter the course of your day and start with a positive frequency. Remember, you plant the spiritual seed then stay on the same frequency to provide it with the nutrients it needs to grow, thrive and manifest.

As you give thought to your future you literally begin pre-paving. Imagine that every thought you had was a brick, and each time you think it, the brick gets placed down in front of you. In this way, you are paving the road you are walking ahead if you. All of your thought energy combines together to bring you precisely that which you now want to live (vibrationally). In other words, whatever you are thinking about is literally like planning. What lessons are you bringing forth towards yourself?

Start by waking up excited because you just know that something really amazing is going to happen today. Then, consider why today is a good day. Your children could draw it out, label it, write it, describe it to each other; whatever fits best with your morning routine. This activity is all about starting the day with a high, excited vibration that can’t help but attract a heap of awesomeness!

DAY 22: The WOW Game.

As we are now more than aware, your brain cells set up a vibration in your body, which, in turn, filters through your cosmic energy field and emits a frequency that is in sync. Thus, attracting likewise frequencies.

Your life is an exciting adventure! You are a physical solid of stardust floating through space on a giant blue and green ball, surrounded by other physical manifestations of stardust. Today, then, we are going to really appreciate how lucky we are to be alive. What you currently hold in your life is a looking glass of previous frequencies you have released to the cosmos, so let’s say Thank You to the universe for listening to your past thoughts and feelings and for continuing to do so in order to bring the perfect future to you, including being overly interested and astonished by useless things. The world is full of awe and wonder from the universe to satisfy our senses. Today, be overly aware of the little things in life. Say ‘WOW’ at that persistent weed that managed to claw its way through the concrete. Be inspired by that dog’s perfect posture. Fall in love with the unique out- of- place brick in the wall.

Being aware of these small, beautiful things help us to stay present. Who can find the most miniscule thing to be interested in? Who can act the most excited? Who is the best at not sounding sarcastic? Remember though, have fun!

DAY 23: Brain Teaser.

As mentioned earlier, the world we see around us is an illusion created from our own imagination. Each person and creature experiences a different reality depending on the past vibrations they have emitted and how they have channelled their mind to perceive the world. Even Einstein stated that: “Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.”

Everything we see is a construction of the brain based on signals received from our senses. Interestingly, visual, auditory and touch senses bypass to various parts of the brain and cognitive functions, including the thalamus (the main focus of which is to relay motor and sensory signals to other parts of the brain). This enables us to make quicker, more rational conclusions. On the contrary, sense of smell is connected directly to the amygdala and hippocampus that form memories together. Amygdala is also associated with fear and anxiety. This is why an aroma can trigger déjà vu and past memories. Interestingly, smell is the only sense that doesn’t go through any other cognitive process. Additionally, smelling sweat from someone who is happy compared to someone who feels frightened creates different responses. This concludes that, when it comes to our senses, smell reigns supreme.

Various researchers have proven that certain smells alter our moods. For example, a study from the University of Southern Brittany found that the smell of baking bread made people kinder [18]. As a result, today’s task focuses on manipulating our sense of smell to boost our mood, consequently raising our vibration. You could change everybody’s bed sheets, eat strawberries, have a bake-off or create a montage of everybody’s favourite scents. Mmm.. This challenge could be made into a game by getting a family member to close their eyes and guess what object is being wafted under their nose: classic!

DAY 24: Turn Off The Light, Love.

Your dreams will never come too late as they are eternally present. You just need to be ready to receive it and take appropriate action to bring the desire closer to you. The brain’s 130 million photoreceptors are joined by billions of neurons that construct and reconstruct literally anything that our consciousness asks for. In this way, everything is created twice, once in the mind and then in the physical world.

Tesla, the smartest man to live according to Einstein himself, said that, “Every living being is an engine geared to the wheelwork of the universe... To unlock the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration... The gift of mental power comes from God, Divine Being, and if we concentrate our minds on the truth, we become in tune with this great power... My brain is only a receiver. In the universe, there is a core from which we obtain knowledge, strength, inspiration.”

Similarly, Abraham Hicks claim that a quiet mind and meditation allow our frequencies to go into the receiving mode. This enables our minds to receive impulse thoughts and actions directly from the universe that will lead to the manifestation of our desires.

Basically, visualisation is the process of releasing frequencies to the universe for attraction, whereas meditation is the process after visualisation that allows your physical body to be quiet enough to hear and feel communication from the universe, through impulse thoughts, feelings and actions. These can also be referred to as ‘brain waves’ or ‘light bulb moments’.

We have previously completed activities based on visualisation and manifesting desires, so we are now going to focus on being able to quiet our racing minds so that the universe is able to communicate to us. It will also promote peace, develop will and improve focus. There are two ways of doing this, depending on the resources you have available. The easiest way is to draw a dot in the middle of a piece of paper and just look at it. Allow your body to relax. If your thoughts wander, don’t stress, just bring your attention back to the dot and refocus. This will be challenging at first, but with practise you will notice a huge difference as your concentration and ability to slow your thoughts becomes easier.

The second way is using a candle flame. I personally prefer this one as it gives more freedom for my eyes to roam. Simply light a candle and watch the flame. Like the above, if your thoughts wander, just bring your attention back to the flame. Refocus and turn off your thoughts. If they creep back in, refocus and repeat.

Advancing from this, I would recommend a full-on meditation to align the energies within your body and improve your mind’s higher faculties. The easiest way to start meditating is to sit comfortably, close your eyes and focus on your breathing until you’re fully relaxed. As we did above, if your thoughts wander, just bring your attention back to your breathing and refocus on that. You keep this focus for as long as you can, building up each time. If you prefer, there are a tonne of guided meditations online that can be listened to. Personally, I prefer focusing on a sound rather than my breath. So I will listen to a constant sound, like a clock ticking or rain. There’s thousands of meditation sounds on YouTube that can be used as well as a range of Apps that are useful. Again, it’s just whatever works for you! Try a few and build it up from there.

It is important to remember that your brain doesn’t want to stop thinking-it can’t- so you may find that you spend this activity constantly refocusing, especially younger children. But I have found that this to be my favourite way of finding peace in this frantic world. If you or your love ones feel like this is too hard and you “just can’t do it”, don’t sweat it; EVERYBODY feels that way. Too many times I have given up meditating because I was bored of failing. But the truth is, you can’t fail with it. And some days will be easier than others. We’re human, after all, but you won’t know unless you try!

In summary, there’s no right or wrong way to do this, it’s what works for you. I prefer focusing on a flame or listening to a constant sound. Depending on the age of your kids, they may prefer to stare at a dot on a page, a berry or a blade of grass (as long as whatever they are focusing on isn’t too stimulating, like a TV show).

Breathe. Focus. Breathe. Breathe. Breathe...

DAY 25: Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is.

It’s easy to say ‘money can’t buy happiness’, but it certainly helps! And in a world of abundance, it can be all too easy to full into a frustrated cycle. According to Wallace Wattles: “Getting rich is not a matter of environment... No one is kept in poverty by shortness in supply of riches. There is more than enough for all. The invisible supply is practically inexhaustible. And the invisible supply really is inexhaustible.” [19]. He states that, to have wealth, you must be comfortable with money. Be at ease talking about it, asking for it, giving it and so on. If you feel nervous about money or avoid it due to awkwardness then you will never have it as you aren’t releasing a positive, higher vibration. (Which is easier for some.)

Today’s challenge focuses on being at ease with what you have and giving what you can. Your family will give what they can to somebody else, giving graciously and willingly. They could do a craft or bake a treat for someone; a friend, relative, neighbour. When paying for your shopping at the counter, include something extra and give this to the cashier or food bank. You could even buy a homeless person lunch or a new hoody.

Yet, it is important to note here that physical money is not necessary when spreading abundance. Abundance of love is just as powerful, and the strongest vibrational frequency in the universe. According to James Allen, “Into your hands will be placed the exact results of your own thoughts; you will receive that which you earn.” And we know that the Law Of Attraction works by giving you that which you are in a likewise vibration with. When you haven’t got anything physical to give, give the non-physical. To every angry customer you meet, every homeless person you pass and every tired child you ‘aw’ at, send thoughts of increase and abundance in order to share the wealth of the universe. Imagine that person happy and smiling.

It’s easy to get so caught up in the hecticness of everyday life that distant friends and relatives can be forgotten. Therefore, the activity for today is a simple one. Have a chat with someone you haven’t spoken to in a while. Re-connect and spread the love. Call to say Hi, Thank you or I love you. Alternatively, get the kids to draw pictures, write letters or FaceTime.

So today, in the words of Mother Teresa, “works of love are always works of joy... you become less vulnerable when you concern yourself with other people’s vulnerability.”  

DAY 26: The Sixty Eight Second Rule.

Yep, you guessed it! Remember, just 17 seconds of good, conscious thoughts every day is enough to higher your vibration. Today, you are going to attempt to multiply this by four and only think happy, positive thoughts for 68 seconds! Nice and easy... right?

Every single mechanism in our body operates to create health and happiness in its natural state. When something negative happens in our lives, such as a disease, it is always a malfunction of our positive systems. Furthermore, a study on sixty Romanian children showed that higher levels of cortisol (the stress hormone) in the blood, the poorer the outcomes for the child [20]. The problem is that some people don’t even realise that they are stressed because being stressed has become the norm for them. This is why being able to go to your happy place and think positive thoughts on a regular basis is so essential, not only for raising your vibration for manifestation but for your health and well-being.

James Allen said that: “The outer conditions of a person’s life will always be found to be harmoniously related to his inner state.” So today, sit and become an actor. Tell your body to relax and offer your subconscious a happy thought.. or two... or three... for sixty eight seconds.

DAY 27: Let It Flow, Let It Flow, Let It Flow!

Throughout these challenges we have focused on our own, personal energy fields; even though energy is everywhere, which means that everything that surrounds you also affects you. “Your home is an affirmation or the life you desire.” Inessa Freylekhman.

What you love- furniture, shoes, people- is down to the energies that resonate with you. As your own energetic frequency shifts to a more positive one, the urge to move or replace physical objects (or people!) will becoming overwhelming. This is perfectly normal and an indication that your energy has changed. Like LOA, Feng Shui (pronounce FENG- SCHWAY) is all about energy. It is based on the idea that your living space reflects your life. Feng Shui is said to bind the universe, earth and humanity together, thus seeking balance. According to Feng Shui, all objects possess an energy called Chi, which can be manipulated to attract luck, wealth, love and opportunity into your home. Chi is the natural life force and energy within everything. We know that the whole universe is created from vibrating energy and we have done a lot of work on improving the vibration of our physical bodies and sharing that with others; now we are going to focus on strengthening that frequency further by releasing and increasing the flow of positive energy in our homes.

First thing’s first... It’s time for a spring clean! Feng Shui allows you to visually see your environment change. Seriously, how much better do you feel after de-cluttering and reorganising? That’s because you are releasing the old, stagnant energy and allowing the new to flow in. Make a healthy lunch in advance as it’s going to be a busy one today. You can choose one room or hallway or split everybody off into their separate rooms (whatever works for you). Open the windows and doors for fresh air and energy flow, open the curtains for natural light, put on your best feel-good-playlist and clear the clutter!

Positive energy can’t flow if there are blockages in the way. You could start by imagining that you, yourselves, are the Chi. Open the front door (The Mouth Of Chi) and flow in, this could be in a ‘follow the leader’ style or you could branch off. Are there any Chi-Blocks en-route to any of the rooms of the house? If there is, start there! There’s very little point in clearing way for positive energy in the living room is the energy can’t even get there! When you make Feng Shui adjustments to your environment, do it with intention in order to get the results you desire. And if you’re a teacher yourself, consider using Feng Shui in your own classroom. Decluttering and making way for the new doesn’t need to happen just once a year. A vibrant classroom increases productivity, creativity, confidence, the feeling of security and reduces anxiety. A study by the University of Salford Manchester claimed that the classroom environment can affect improve academic progress by as much as 25% [21].

If you would like to go a step further, consider reorganising the furniture in your room. (You can find energy maps online that will help with increasing the effectiveness of this.) You could also improve the energies within the house with crystals and plants.

Some of the most popular Feng Shui crystals include the quartz family. Clear Quartz crystal is effective for clearing, protecting and strengthening the energy field within the home. I like to hang clear quartz by my window so that it reflects rainbows into my room. Rose Quartz is a gentle, pink healing crystal that radiates loving energy through your home. You could have a rose quarts by the front door to have a constant flow of its energy or in your bedroom to promote unconditional love between you and your partner (or just you; we must love ourselves before anybody else can love us, after all). Amethysts are beautiful, purple quartz crystals that are effective at ridding negative or stale energies and releasing purifying, calm and spiritual energy. Jade is a green crystal with a very long history of use in China, where the art of Feng Shui originated. It is the stone of wealth and abundance. Tigers Eye is a golden brown crystal that is known as the master protector. It transmutes negative energy quickly.

In terms of plants, popular Feng Shui plants include the Pachira Plant (also known as The Money Tree) and African Violet for attracting prosperity. Both Silver Crown and Bamboo are believed to bring good luck. Like the jade crystal, the Jade plant is also thought to attract money and positive energy flow. For increased health benefits, I would recommend the Rubber Plant or Peace Lily. Both are known for their air purifying qualities and for neutralising toxins.

An important thing to remember during today’s challenge is to have fun. De-cluttering can get stressful quickly, so have that reward ready at the finish line!

DAY 28: I Solemnly Swear That...

If you don’t feed your subconscious mind, it will feed from the vibrations of other people’s thoughts and energies. This is why you cannot heal in the same environment you got sick. If a job caused you depression, it would be naive to think that going back would lead to any other conclusion. Repeating affirmations is a simple way to feed the subconscious mind. Affirmations are repeated phrases that focus on what a person wants out of life. They are in first person, positive and to the point. Repeating these phrases imbeds them into the subconscious mind, which leads to a high vibrating aura that influences the universal electromagnetic field. These affirmations affect our social identity and self-esteem through biased information processing [22]. Consequently, it is essential that you repeat affirmations to yourself about what you do want.

A study on the effects of mindfulness-based teaching strategies, including the use of affirmations, showed that children who followed the program, compared to those who did not, showed significant increases in optimism, classroom social competent behaviours and positive behaviours [23].

Therefore, for today’s challenge, you and your family are going to affirm how you want to feel. And really feel excited as you affirm it. Start each affirmation with “I” and make them positive “DO” phrases.

I am full of energy. I am grateful for my friends at work.

I am abundant. I have a safe, secure, happy home.

I am so happy and grateful now that money comes to me continuously. I always think happy thoughts.

Activities that could improve the fun-factor of this challenge include: Affirmation stones (write or paint the affirmation onto the stone); Affirmation flowers made from recycled materials (write an affirmation on each petal); Affirmation hand prints (write an affirmation on each finger); and Affirmation jars. Another popular method is to write your affirmation on a card and keep it in your pocket, then read it to yourself continuously throughout the day. It is the constant re-affirmation of what you deserve that will force the thought to be accepted by your subconscious mind and become your reality.

I AM CONFIDENT that this will work.

DAY 29: Remember, Remember.

It is important to remember that not every day is going to be fun and exciting. For whatever reason, there will be days where a person just won’t feel happy; they may not even be aware as to why they feel bad. It could be hormones, a nightmare, dehydration, anything! As long as we know that this is a phase that will pass, that we are perfect, vibrational beings that can create our own reality and we understand why we’re not feeling good, then we can accept it and move on a lot quicker. Instant Mood Lifters, also called Positivity-Evoking Portfolios by professor of psychology Barbara Fredrickson, are an easy way of being able to raise our frequency at any time. These can include photos, gifts, music, scrapbooks, letters, and so on. This is where you look when you need a boost, and you never stop looking for more things to add.

Think back over the month’s challenges. Can you remember all of them? What was your favourite? Why? Which caused the family to erupt with laughter? Has anyone already raised their vibration enough to have manifested a desire into reality? Does anybody have any tips to share?

The point of today’s activity is to realise how far you have come and to generate a bank of IMLs that you can refer back to anytime that your mood may be dropping below perfect-desire-tuning. You could make a mental or written list of the activities that you found the most effective, although I would recommend a ‘Memory Box’ (or ‘Mood Lifting Box’). You can also include any additional activities that you know instantly boost your mood, such as particular songs or a warm bath. These are going to become your Instant Mood Lifters (IML), the things that you turn to in your time of need. Whenever you feel like you are vibrating anything other than pure joy, use an IML.

So for today, remember the good times. Fill a box, a book, your thoughts, your conversations or even create an item to give each other that’ll make you happy, like drawing a family portrait or creating a positivity newspaper of your challenges with interviews, and so on. This is your time to reflect on what makes each of you happy and prepare for those days when your physical body just isn’t feeling up to it! This could even be made into a reward ceremony by writing a list of your own achievements and skills in an awards ceremony of your life, showing gratitude for the skills the universe has equipped you with. What might you win an award for? These categories can be anything you excel at, from making people laugh, to always remembering birthdays, to being able to swim a mile, etc. Similarly, you could design yourself into a superhero. What would be your superpower? Think about what superpowers you’d choose if you could change the world for the better. For example: To talk to the person at the party who is on their own; To stick up for someone who is being victimised; To be ever vigilant for who might need your kindness!

DAY 30: Party Time!

We are on Earth to enjoy our lives and learn lessons of love. Thirty days ago you may have opened this book with little or no knowledge of the Law Of Attraction and now you have spent a month perfecting it! You did it, so celebrate! Play music, dance, sing and party (if your children can stand the sight of your dad-dancing).

Music is a language that bridges cultures. You know what it’s like, you hear a certain beat and can’t help but swing your hips and tap your feet. It’s like we instinctively understand the vibrational connection to sound. We are all vibrational beings tuned to a specific frequency, after all.

There are some awesome experiments that show how the frequency of sound affects water. Living in a human body that is 70% water on a planet that is 70% water, knowing the effects of particular frequencies on the water within our physical bodies can be very beneficial when staying positive or persuading your rebelling teenager to turn down the loud punk or rock music that they blast out on full volume. There are some beautiful photos online and videos that show this amazing effect that sound vibration has on the molecular structure of water. So create a play-list of music that makes you feel on top of the world, drink a glass of water and get your head-bopping on!

THE FUTURE: Your Time To Shine.

“The power is in your hands,” (read in a Paddy McGuinness voice).

You have all of the LOA knowledge you need. Now is the time for you to really set your goals for the future and use the information from this book and others to set the habit and see them through to manifestation. You’re literally a miracle and should accept nothing less than pure happiness (well, at least 90% of the time!)

Try asking yourself why you’re here. It’s not to work in a job that stresses you out. It’s not to lose sleep over debts and it’s not to take this out on your partner or children. You’re here to have fun. Mark Twain springs to mind now: “The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.” In your brain, the habit of looking out for fun in life is already forming, you just need to strengthen it. You could repeat these thirty days, or write your own thirty day challenge, or just repeat some of your favourites every day. Just keep up the conversations with your children about the benefits of positive thinking and kind actions so that they can reach their full universal power. And remember, unselfishly pass on positive thoughts and actions to improve the Earth’s collective consciousness and raise your vibration higher and higher.

Feeling anxious? Remember, every negative experience comes from fear or believing an untruth, like you are unworthy. But the real truth is that potential within the universe is unlimited; don’t teach your children to plan their future based on the mere 4% of this realm that is visible.

Now is the first day of the rest of your life! You are rich in spirit on all levels and only need to maintain the adjustments to your psychology to manifest the physical reality that will truly lead to your overall happiness. From accumulating wealth, to health, to love, how you choose to carry on is up to you.

So the real question is: How much do you want to be happy?

Thank you and enjoy!


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