The Scientific Explanation

The Sacred Secretion (SS) is a natural biorhythm of the human body, meaning that it is part of a continuous molecular cycle. Like the circadian rhythm of our body which dictates sleeping patterns and alertness, the SS is governed by astronomical energy, notably from the stars and moon.

Whilst in the womb, a developing baby shares the hormonal experience with its mother via the umbilical cord. When this physical cord is detached at birth, the astronomical influences on the environment at that time evoke cellular formation within the tiny body (notably the bio-magnetite, which begins to vibrate in a way that is specific to the cosmic influx at such time), thus re-connecting the individual energy form with the wider super-organism referred to as Gaia (Mother Earth). All biorhythms are formed at this point and will follow a continuous cycle dependent on electromagnetic readings from outside environmental frequencies of energy, with the largest influence being which star constellation the Sun is currently reflecting energy from. As we mature, we are able to use our body to consent to the impregnation of the spiritual essence referred to as the Sacred Secretion/ Chism/ Christ Oil/ Claustrum Oil/ Ichor.

Physically, within the human spinal cord, is a liquid known as Cerebral Spinal Fluid (CSF). This substance flows through the central nervous system, flushing the brain of toxins and delivering nutrients and hormonal secretions. This happens continuously. However, at birth, when our internal fluids were particularly vulnerable to the large electromagnetic influx of the Sun (and the star constellation it was present within at the time- our ‘star sign’), the bio-magnetite adapted its rhythm in response in order to maintain connection with the wider consciousness. As a result, each month when the moon’s energy within our native star sign constellation effects the electromagnetic field we currently live in, the body begins a process of preservation. This preservation refers to the build up of the Spirit Molecule (the true Christos) within the CSF which the brain will begin to store. During the two and a half days that the CSF flushes through the brain more abundantly, the store of hormones and neurotransmitters increase their vibrancy. If the individual follows a righteous path during this time of preservation (listens to their body and its true needs), then, as the lunar energy begins to exit the individual’s star sign, the brain is forced to release the build up of chemicals it had been storing. This release should, by right, be an abundant store of DMT that has been brewed in a way specific to the individual, their intentions and their chosen path. As the DMT molecules are propelled through the body, the individual becomes more highly sensitised to the environment, as our ancestors would have been. Thus, becoming more psychic, conscious and communicative. We are able to activate our higher gifts and anchor in the higher self. All thanks to the preservation of the Sacred Secretion.

For a more in-depth analysis and exploration, please consider purchasing my book, The Science of the Sacred Secretion 2nd Edition. It is nearly 500 pages long, hence not practical to put on a single website.