Emotional Freedom Technique

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), also known as Tapping, is a simple strategy for restoring energetic balance in the body.

It is a modern practice that birthed from ancient acupuncture. In EFT, acupuncture points along meridian lines are tapped in order to stimulate energy flow. Due to the fact that meridians carry messages around the body, stimulating them can release trapped, stored and suppressed energy, thus restoring balance within the body’s energy channels.

We can picture the acupuncture points as amplifiers along the meridian power cables. These channels are also connected to organs, so has been shown to heal many dis-eases. Moreover, because each emotion has its own frequency, EFT can also heal emotional and mental health conditions, such as depression and prolonged rage, by neutralising these energies.

“The cause of all negative emotion is a disruption in the body’s energy system” - George Craig.

Therefore, simply applying a pulse (energy) through the body’s channels can has an array of positive effects. Just a few of these include calming the amygdala, releasing endorphins, increasing GABA and stimulating gamma brain waves.

Personally, I have found EFT to be particularly useful when working with the Law of Attraction as it supports the acceptance and release of psychological reversal. [Psychological reversal is the ‘deep down’ fears and anxieties that may prevent us from progressing. For example, wanting a job promotion but unconsciously not wanting the extra responsibility; or wanting to attract unconditional love whilst not believing that you deserve it.] This validation of emotions can be especially liberating!

EFT can also support your sacred secretion/ preservation time by improving communication between your physical and energetic bodies, as well as embedding intention. In addition, tapping through EFT helps us to restore heart coherence, become more heart centred and sort through the records of our pericardium (the door keeper and filter of our memories that surround the heart; it is like a library, with the receptacle of all the records of a person’s life are said to be stored here.)

The best thing about EFT? It is incredibly simple to do yourself! I will put some links below for you to explore further. If, however, you do feel called to seek some coaching for this, then just email me at victorialoalou@protonmail.com to arrange :)

So much love <3

V x

TIP: For best results, drink plenty of quality water before, during and after an EFT session as the energy systems work better when hydrated, plus water is a great conductor.

Further research

(97) How to Tap with Jessica Ortner: Emotional Freedom Technique Informational Video - YouTube - (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pAclBdj20ZU)

(97) How to Tap - with Nick Ortner of The Tapping Solution - YouTube - (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XRfLTQjJhp0)

(97) Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) Demonstration - YouTube - (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IWu3rSEddZI)