Energy Anchoring

When I speak of energy anchoring, I am making reference to the particular frequencies being sealed upon an area or collective. Energy anchoring can be used for good and bad, depending on the intention of the anchoring (for Earth, that is typically the human collective consciousness). Within this blog, I will describe my personal beliefs about this phenomenon, how it has been used to hijack human reality, and how we can take back control.

Historically, temples were like schools and priests/ priestesses would travel vast distances to physically meet with and share teachings. Pilgrimages were also common, whereby a number of sacred sites are visited. There is even evidence of a mass migration of women from Europe/ Asia into Ancient Egypt, which I feel supports this ideology (Researchers Reveal True Story of Hyksos Dynasty in Ancient Egypt | Ancient Origins  Consequently, temple spaces are built upon specific ley lines and energy hot spots. By building these monuments on grounds which transmitted specific god/ goddess/ frequencies more powerfully, it allowed for stronger activations.

Ley lines are a grounded grid within the earth, which is not only a macro-version of the human meridian system, but also a micro-version of the universal star webs (connecting energies between stars/ star systems/ binary stars, all towards the Grand Central Sun). All of these energies and frequencies are part of the One source consciousness expressing itself, we simply tap into particular aspects of this when our human form is in biological, psychological or spiritual resonance (such as at recurring points of a woman’s menstrual cycle).

Various frequencies in their original, authentic form were anchored and encoded within the energy grids of Earth, acting like powerlines, hence why we see an overlap of features and attributes between ancient deities from varying cultures (as inception points and co-ordinates coded in and tapped into crossed paths). Ascended Masters (such as Yeshua and Magdalene), who have incarnated on earth with a higher light quota (likely from a purified womb space - see can also be called upon and channeled within the collective consciousness, granting access to Akashic records (quantum memory) and energy healing.

As Gaia/ Earth/ Terra is a mother-jewel-planet, it is a popular playing field for different light beings… and darker force entities. In accordance with the universal Law of Consent, these incarnated entities must use psychological programming in order to ‘tell us’ what they are doing, and thus elicit our ‘consent’ for their plans. This wisdom is concealed within the Disney movie Wrek-it-Ralph, which works as an excellent analogy and visual summary of this blog (the movie depicts how evil energies re-program our matrix system and alter our memories). Real-time examples of energy anchoring being used to hijack the human collective psyche and suscept our sacred vessel to trauma and dark-frequencies include the world wars, the Witch Hunts (generating mass fear around magic and ancestral wisdom), the Jack-the-Ripper murders in England (connecting feminine pleasure to disgust and horror) and the killing of Lady Diana (upon inspection, one would discover just how deep this satanic ritual against our Lady Diana really was, such as the fact that the bridge she died under was dedicated to the Roman Goddess Diana), to name just a few.

Many figures in history have knowingly used satanic and dark magic to increase their power and influence. We see this reflected in the rise of Hitler and Nazism, and can see very similar tactics being used by financial elitists and power-hungry blood-lines to this day. It’s common thought amongst these groups of beings that there is a necessity for a superior race or ‘pure bloodedness’ in their families and the human form. This ‘ethnic cleansing’ has caused extreme trauma throughout history, and still does. The misunderstanding here, though, seems to stem from research on pea plants and Darwin’s misguided theory of evolution and the origin of species. This study of genetics (and eugenics, in particular) has vastly obscured this theory, but increased the power and magic of the people; the true children of the loving mother-earth. We innately know the truth.

When we look at the human genetic sequence in spiritual terms, not physical, it’s clear that our DNA is a library of potentials, inherited to us from various light beings and alien races. More detail on this can be read in Hybrid Humans by Daniella Fenton or in Chapter 1 of The Art of Preservation by Victoria Loalou, so I won’t delve into this too much here. However, if accurate, this theory would prove that the true power of human form is within the mixing of blood lines and the sharing of energetic potential by connecting with others, rather than the secretive, incestual societies that currently operate. We have the wisdom keepers of each culture who maintain traditional knowledge and wisdom sharers who entwine these potentials in order to birth new frequencies. It is my belief that these misinterpreted differences will be the  downfall of the dark-focuses beings. By weaving our ancestral wisdoms (physically and energetically), we inherit a much wider scope of potentials. For example, whereas classically Ancient Egyptian magic may have been condensed in Africa and Mayan wisdom in Mexico, nowadays, the modern human form acts like a bridge of light, connecting all layers of knowledge.

Therefore, whether for light or dark, good or bad, all of these webs and elements form the matrix of systems in which our realities are grounded within. Being able to weave and move between these realities is one of the many benefits of the meta-verse, dimension hopping and astral travelling. Before discovering these truths, we are merely materialised souls being depleted of our power within a clouded physical reality. Our task, as human light forms and energy transmuters for the planet (Earth Stars), is to clear darker, painful and traumatic energies and re-anchor in the good; the light. In this way, we re-connect and unify, upgrade and awaken the collective.

For the highest love and light <3

These are my own personal views and interpretations, which I was recently excited to discover were also discussed by Manly Hall in his book Man: The Grand Symbol of the Mysteries.

Please comment below any other wisdoms that you may have been gifted :)