Sacred Secretion FAQ

What is the ‘sacred secretion’?

The sacred secretion is a common term used to describe an endogenous essence produced in the human body, influenced by shifts in the magnetic lunar energies. It is likened to DMT, but with more resonance to a person’s unique frequency as it is produced endogenously. The sacred secretion is able to support the purification of the body and the calibration of the light-body frequencies as it both increases inner light (biophotons and luciferin production) and attracts like-wise frequencies of higher energies (as indicated by the Law of Attraction).

How do I preserve the sacred secretion?

The sacred secretion happens endogenously each month when the moon enters your star sign. Therefore, locate an app or calendar that informs you of what star sign the moon currently resides in (orbit means that it moves through these, spending about 2-3 days in each signs before moving on). When the moon is in the void period about to enter your star sign (the zodiac sign that the Sun was resting in when you were born) until the moon passes and enters the void period again (before moving into the next zodiac sign), that is when you practise preserving the sacred seed. More detailed information can be read in my book, The Science of the Sacred Secretion 2nd Edition.

How is this endogenous DMT produced?

The DDC gene can be edited to fashion one of two different proteins: AADC480 or AADC422. The former codes for DMT. Whilst the DDC gene can code for DMT, the INMT regulates receptors for DMT. Both DDC and INMT are found throughout the brain, most abundantly at the pineal and choroid plexuses. Interestingly, both are drenched in bio-magnetite, which alters our brain waves and neurotransmitter production depending on the electromagnetic field. Thus, when the magnetic lunar energies resonate within your field, DMT can be readily produced.(A more in-depth explanation can be read in the book: ‘The Art of Preservation’ by Victoria Loalou.)

Why is the New Moon the most powerful preservation time?

A New Moon will influence your sacred secretion production around the month of your birth (when both the Sun and Moon reside within the Star sign that clothed your field at birth, when your body was separated from your mother’s and you become a unique, sovereign being). Energetically, the New Moon supports us as a cleansing period and a time to purge from un-serving energies, making room for newer, higher light. Therefore, when this energy is combined with the power of your Sun/ Star-Sign, the sacred secretion is intensified, as a major aspect of the sacred secretion is purification (making our mortal blood into ichor- like the gods’). Thus, the energies are complementary.

What kind of intention can I set during this period?

You can alter the frequency of the sacred secretin specifically for an intention that you have, just like rituals conducted during the New Moon phases and a woman’s menstrual bleed. At which time, you will likely find that situations in your life will change in order to put you into vibrations which will support the production of this endogenous essence in a way that most optimally serves your intention(s).

What is the main difference between the Sidereal and Tropical zodiac systems?

The tropical system is aligned to the Earth’s latitudes (angles from Earth’s centre) and meridians (energy lines of Gaia) in alignment with the Sun and the Equinoxes/ Solstices. On the contrary, the sidereal system is based on the visual and immediate background of Stars. This topic is evaluated in detail in my book, The Art of Preservation.

How do we know what ‘Age’ we are in?

Astrologically, the new year begins at the Spring Equinox. Whatever Star sign rises in the East on this date is our ‘Age’. Interestingly, the Great Sphinx in Egypt faces Eastward perfectly in order to observe which constellation rises with the Sun on this date, so looks on every Spring Equinox at whatever ‘Age’ we are in.

Why can’t we just think our way to DMT production, like dopamine?

DMT is the spirit thermostat. Therefore it is used by the body to modulate our perception of reality and sensitise our awareness. This is a slow and steady increase as we physically ascend. If we develop too much, beyond what our body can currently hold, it can make us feel ‘high’ as our frequency rises above the physical body. However, we can’t be high when a predator is about (you’d do better with cortisol and adrenaline!). Preserving the sacred secretion ensures that DMT production in this way is steady and safe.

How will I know if I have successfully raised the sacred secretion?

The physical ‘symptoms’ experienced vary vastly, but typical signs include feeling warmer, more connected, more loving, more forgiving and an increase in ‘downloads’ or realisations/ light bulb moments/ enlightenment. Changes in sleep quality and vivid dreams are also common. I have also experienced preservation times where I have felt in a ‘bad mood’- which was a sign for me to retreat, rest and focus on the inner work. Some other experiences are noted below.

What are some of the symptoms of DMT production?

When production has kicked up a small, natural, safe notch, sometimes there are no symptoms at all. On the other hand, some common indicators include noticing brighter colours, being more sensitive to sounds (harmonising frequencies) and feeling ‘lighter’. Some testimonies even advocate improved singing and dancing abilities and a change in one’s tone of voice as energy flows more optimally.

Why is the sacred secretion referred to as being ‘gold’?

Gold is a prominent conducted of electricity. By likening this essence to gold, it is metaphorically communicating the power of it. When we preserve the sacred secretion, we become a more open channel to higher frequencies, able to transmit and transmute and entangling one’s field with the wider fractals of the divine. Thus, we become conductors of ‘god powers’ and develop ichor- blood of the gods.

Is the sacred secretion just endogenous DMT?

According to 1 John 5:6-8 in the Bible states that there are three versions of Christ: blood (DNA- Luciferin), water (CSF- DMT) and spirit (Aura- the light body). Thus, the Sacred Secretion can be seen as far more than ‘just endogenous DMT’, although this is an important physical and metaphysical aspect.

Do you think Jesus was a real person?

Personally, I believe the tales and miracles of ‘Jesus’ are an amalgamation of those from a range of physical and non-physical beings; such as Apollonius and Yeshua of the Essenes, Epimenides Gnosis/ Knossos of Greece, Horus of Egypt, and Krishna of Hinduism, to name a few.

How long does it take to become enlightened/ How many months do I have to practice for before the Serpent Energy is fully activated?

A lot of ancient literature denotes 3 and one half years (3.5 years/ 1260 days/ 42 months) for the initiation period. However, the Age of Aquarius is a time of accelerated expansion and vibration, so you could very well experience a much faster activation during these times.

Should I avoid all acidic foods?

It’s important to note the difference between dead acidic and live acidic to answer this question. Highly processed foods and those not natural to the Earth should be avoided. Acidic foods that are LIVE though, such as fermented sauerkraut, have amazing benefits. Their charge/ voltage of these live foods are perfectly resonant, regardless of their so-called ‘acidity’ level. (This is explained in more detail in my book, The Art of Preservation.)

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