The Goddess Rhythmos Course
Note: All courses are free to ReMembers :)
For too long the sacredness of the feminine mysteries have been suppressed and slandered. The dark-agendered- forces have spent millennia anchoring in negativity around the feminine and the intuitive, psychic potentials of humans. This course endeavours to do just the opposite.
By coming home to you, opening up to the sacred blessing that is your divine body and connecting with like-minded people, you support the embodiment of the positive, enlightened feminine. So, thank you for being here; thank you for choosing this course; thank you for taking action; thank you for saying yes to committing to you; and thank you for holding the sacred flame of the divine feminine. This has never been needed more as we collectively experience the Earth’s purge (her own macrocosmic menstrual bleed). These teachings were time coded to emerge again when it was safe for us to remember. At the same time, new codes and upgrades are being anchored into the planet as part of the ascension process, which will, in turn, make you more receptive to higher light codes and teachings which resonate.
That said, we all are on very unique paths, resonating with different energies and have vastly different ‘typical’ menstrual cycles. Therefore, it can be useful to document your cycle on a calendar and make a note of when you feel like you enter each phase, and repeat this course when you are more confident (if you aren’t already). What’s more, some women may only have a 21-day cycle, whereas others can have cycles of more than 50-days. We are all unique, so part of this journey is to learn to listen to your own body and become aware of its needs. Consequently, you may feel like you are embodying Persephone energy for only 3 days and then experience an incredible 20 days of the glorious Aphrodite frequency! Therefore, please do not take the timings as gospel.
Listen to your body- it knows best!
There are also many different pathways to explore, courses to take and goddesses to connect with. All of these are right for someone, somewhere. Part of the process of enlightenment is finding your own truths. These expressions of consciousness have been awaiting this time of mass awakening and your divine blueprint will ensure that you resonate with those paths and teachings which are right for your own soul journey. Similarly, if you feel a resistance to a particular phase (for example, many women really struggle with PMS the week before their period and so do not ‘enjoy’ this aspect of themselves and Athena’s protectress energy) then connecting with the specific goddess energies, seeking guidance and honouring your needs can be extremely powerful.
Remember, during these initiations and activations, you receive codes and energy upgrades to open the gates for high frequency energies of love and femininity to come in, embody, hold and transmit. When this is done with intent, it can be even more powerful. Therefore, having an idea for manifestation or an intention for each journey, such as this one, can be particularly powerful. What do you want to radiate? What do you want these energies/ goddesses to bring alive in you?
Here is a diagram aiming to put a rough idea around the timing for each goddess phase:
The triple goddess triad of Persephone-Aphrodite-Athena (maiden-lover-creatrix) is the sacred trinity of the queen archetype. When we honour these parts of ourselves, witness the expressions of our womb and re-calibrate our bodies with the divine, we return to sovereignty. We reclaim all parts of ourselves back into the present moment and we anchor in our new visions for the future. This is what the ascension process is all about. Although we are working with the triple-goddess during this course, we are not worshipping them as separate to ourselves. They are energies that we can tap into and bring back into our current now-moment. By merging these aspects of ourselves, we lighten the body, we embody more light and we awaken dormant DNA focused on driving us towards the highest good. That is ascension. It is within.
This course begins with an Opening Ceremony video to be watched first. A document is then provided to describe when best to witness the transmission videos for Persephone, Aphrodite and Athena, alongside the meditations and embodiment activities that accompany each phase in order to support the embodiment of such goddess energies.
Please feel free to email if you would like more details about the course.
If you feel called, the energy exchange for the Goddess Rhythmos (menstrual cycle connection) course is £11.11 and the Womb Pilgrimage (connecting to yoni magic) is £8 to support the running of this website and the digital platform used for storing these digital files. Alternatively, you can sign up for my subscription service at £1 per month to access all products (cancel at any time).
The button below will direct you to SendOwl, where payment can be made via Paypal. Alternatively, please feel free to reach out by messaging the email address above to arrange alternative form of payment or energy exchange.
Love and light to you, divine soul x