The Creatrix

Inside each of us is the potential to create magic. Inside each of us is
an energy weaver and transmuter. Inside each of us is a Creator (masculine) /
Creatrix (feminine). As a woman, I will be writing this post from a feminine
place- of my Creatrix. If you are reading this as a man, then just know that
the same aspects apply just with masculine terminology.  

What is a Creatrix?

A Creatrix is a woman who is able to go within herself, who is deeply
connected to her feminine power and creative potential. She impregnates with
shakti energy and feeds this the magickal energy it needs in order to give
birth to new ideas, life form, desires, dreams and projects. A Creatrix trusts
in her own sovereignty and the deep, intrinsic, co-creative connection she
shares with the Divine Mother and the Divine Father. She nurtures not only
herself but the entire planet; knowing that all are deeply connective as one. A
Creatrix knows intuitively how to use her divine energy and body to transmute
and heal. She is a protectress and a guardian of all that is magickal. The
Creatrix desires connection with all of life; animals, plants, clouds, lakes. The
Creatrix is able to accept the darkness and use her divine magick to transmute
this into light. She knows that deep shadow work is always needed in order to
fully own your sovereignty and become a master of creation. She is the birther
of life, the manifester and the weaver of magick.

How can I find my Creatrix?

Your Creatrix is the magickal aspect of you. Your witch, shaman, healer,
seer, prophet, oracle, priestess… You feel her whenever there is a twinge of
excitement when watching magickal movies or playing in nature. She has a deep
connection to the moon cycles and reflects these within her own monthly menstrual
magicak. You hear her when you reach for the juicy apple over that chocolate bar.
You feel her when you choose to attend that yoga class. You smell her when you
walk through the forest. The Creatrix takes care of her physical body as well
as her spiritual one. She takes her time in practising all that empowers her,
such as meditation. When you wake up and think, “Today I will just go with the

SHE is there; supporting you. You don’t need to find her. You are her. You
just need to remember…

What can I do to connect with my Creatrix?

Anything creative will support the embodiment of your Creatrix. You
could create an alter space and fill it with all that you believe to be magickal.
You could play music that makes you feel alive and DANCE. You could research
her, take a course or seek a spiritual teacher. You could start journaling. Meditate
with her. Listen to her. Play with her. Soften and surrender to her knowing.

FEEL your way to and through her by trusting your body.

How can I use my Creatrix within my LOA routines?

Your Creatrix IS your connection to the Law of Attraction. She is your physical embodiment of the law. Here is an example of how you might use your Creatrix body to energetically brew a LOA potion:

1)      Imagine that you are in a beautiful room filled with all of the ingredients you may need for today; like a potion lab or witch’s store cupboard.

2)      State you intention or write it down, e.g. “I call forth abundance into my life in the most loving way, for the highest good of all”.

3)      Close your eyes if you wish and energetically prepare your potion in front of you in an invisible cauldron/ chalice. Trust your intuition to use any ‘ingredients’ you need to empower your connection, such as elements (fire, water, air, earth), essential oils, flowers, plants, symbols, shapes, crystals, emotions, etc, and, of course, your intention.

4)      Once you have energetically brewed your potion, imagine pulling this into your sacral area just below your belly button/ womb space; your body-cauldron.

5)      Then, begin circling, spiralling and waving your hips in order to activate the Kundalini energy and weave the frequencies of your potion into your own energetic field. Weave this energy up and down your spinal column, connecting the earth and the sky through your magickal body.

6)      Continue for three lengths of the spine, or for as long as you need to feel that your intention has been both embodied and released.

7)      To give more energy to your intention, you could dance to a song or playlist of songs in any way that your Creatrix wishes. She knows.

8)      Seal the journey with a sacred prayer of gratitude.

Now what?

Just listen. You can call upon your Creatrix whenever you feel desire to do so, but do listen. If you are tired, she may need rest. If you are feeling
out-of-salts, she may require particular nourishment, a bath or a re-charge in nature.

And reach out if you feel called to do so.

With so much love